Our Events
Helping to inform, raise funds and build community
Vyshyvanka Day
from 4pm, May 15th, meet at Shaftesbury Town Hall
Ukraine, a country rich in cultural traditions and history, celebrates Vyshyvanka Day, an occasion which has become a symbol of national pride, unity, and the preservation of Ukrainian heritage.
This special day is dedicated to honoring and showcasing the beauty of the vyshyvanka, a traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirt.
On Vyshyvanka Day, local Ukrainians will proudly wear their embroidered shirts. The day will help promote a sense of unity, as people come together to celebrate their shared history and heritage.
The Ukrainian community will organize a parade and highlight the significance of the vyshyvanka in Ukrainian culture before a picnic in the park.
Ivan Kupala
from 4pm, June 21st 2025, Melbury Abbas
Ivan Kupala is a traditional midsummer holiday dating back to at least the 4th Century in Ukraine.
The holiday is celebrated with the elements – particularly water and fire. People float flowers down rivers to divine romantic futures. People jump over bonfires to demonstrate strength, faith, and vitality and look for a “fern flower” which is said to only appear on the night of Kupala, and which legend holds will bring the finder power and good luck. People search forests for the elusive good luck charm (despite knowing that ferns don’t flower).
This event for Ukrainian guests and their friends is by invitation only.
Annual General Meeting
from 11 am, June 28th 2025, The Abbey Museum and Gardens
We welcome all our friends, partners and interested parties to hear about our work over the last year and our plans for the future.
This will be our chance to thank the people who have supported our charity: the donors, other organisations and volunteers who have made possible that work.
This will be a meeting of about an hour with a chance to raise questions and meet the Trustees over tea and biscuits afterwards.
Potfest South West
4th to 6th July 2025, Turnpike Showground
Potfest South West will be held in the show field for the Gillingham and Shaftesbury country fair, just off the B3081, Shaftesbury to Gillingham road.
Over 90 makers have been selected to showcase a wide and diverse range of work that is guaranteed to delight and inspire. Discover functional and decorative ceramics to suit all tastes and budgets and buy direct from the maker.
The organisers have very generously offered tickets for up to 20 adult refugees.
Semley Music Festival
4th to 5th July 2025, Semley
Semley Music Festival have extended an invitation to local refugees to spend these two days of musical fun and friendship with the community that has grown up around this annual event.
It will be a chance to enjoy the food stalls, the balloon and circus artistes and the amazing and eclectic array of musical performers that the organisers, David and Jane have gathered.
Highlights include Ibni, the 10 year old virtuoso percussionist pictured here; our friend Karen Wilmhurst and playing partner Helen Porter as a Jazz Duo; Cellist Emily Burridge; and the Friday night headliners, electronic future-dub duo Omega Nebula.
It is likely to be a memorable weekend of magical music.
Quiz Night, 26th July 2025
Motcombe Memorial Hall from 6pm
We are planning another enjoyable evening of
Fund raising
Fantastic food provided by The Hammouds’ Kitchen.
Unique quiz rounds
An exhilarating and frustrating practical task
A raffle and a £5 lottery.
Laughter and community
Quiz Night, March 2025
Another enjoyable evening of
Fund raising
Fantastic food provided by Syrian Cuisine.
Unique quiz rounds
An exhilarating and frustrating practical task involving ducks
A raffle and a £5 lottery.
Laughter and community
A celebration of Masliana,
The Ukrainian community in North Dorset celebrated Masliana on 1st March 2025.
With music and traditional crafting skills to share the atmosphere was helped by being together and an appropriately sunny day.
There were also sales of cakes, pancakes and an opportunity to buy goods with proceeds going to support humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.
Children’s Christmas Craft Workshop
We held a Craft Workshop for children just before Christmas to help build the seasonal excitement that children deserve, even when away from home.
Oxford City, the Colleges and Christmas Lights
97 people joined our coach trip to Oxford to visit this, the city with the oldest University in the English speaking world.
A delightful city with the the ‘dreaming spires’ of Colleges and University and the bustle of a busy shopping centre.
We were safe and dry despite storm Bert because we had a base in New College, who kindly hosted us for the day.
Quiz Night and Syrian Buffet, November 2024
Held in the middle of this cold month the quiz was a warm and friendly event enjoyed by 80 people.
We added over £900 to our finances from entry fees and raffles and the quizzers had an evening of fun and frustration that only ended at 10.00.
Our quiz night was supported by Kabab Ji (Syrian Cuisine) KSC and their feast of food was a highlight for all who piled their plates high and then came back for seconds.
Ukrainian Film Night, ‘Culture vs War’*,
9th November 2024
The heroes of this moving film are well-known Ukrainian artists who joined the ranks of the Armed Forces , and cultural figures engaged in active volunteer activities during the Russian invasions.
Their stories and experiences were deeply felt by the British and Ukrainian guests who gathered in the day before Remembrance Sunday.
Independence Day of Ukraine 2024
Commemorating the Declaration of Independence in 1991, this is an important flag day for all Ukrainians asserting their independence as a Nation State
We are grateful to the committee of Gillingham Social Club for their hospitality on this evening.
Annual General Meeting 2024
We held our Annual General meeting in public on Monday 15th July at 18.00 at the Friends Meeting House, Abbey Walk, Shaftesbury, SP7 8BB
This is Alfred and some hosts came along to hear about our activity over the last year and our plans for the future of our charity and its support for displaced people in North Dorset and South Wiltshire.
The Jurassic Coast trip
A trip to Durdle Door, Weymouth and Portland.
On 13th July we had a day out to the Jurassic Coast and the seaside, to meet friends and compatriots, to picnic and enjoy some good weather.
It was a wonderful day where we discovered the Sunflower Cafe, made new friends and renewed acquaintances.
Blessed by good weather we had a great time and took some stunning photographs.
Ivan Kupalo 2024
Midsummer brought the opportunity to celebrate together by the lake side in the hills of Shaftesbury.
We gathered herbs and flowers, decorated ourselves and sent garlands onto the water.
We are grateful to fellow Trustee, Sara Jacson for her kindness in sharing her home with us for this evening.
Vyshyvanka 2024
This important event to celebrate Ukrainian identity and to wear the dress of Ukraine, the Vyshyvanka, took place on 25th May.
We paraded and picnicked and celebrated the nation of Ukraine and its people displaced to our area.
It was a lovely evening, no rain and the pictures and story show how important these events are, especially for Ukrainian children.
Make a movie in a week, Easter activity for children.
Over Easter children aged 7 to 17 learned to shoot an entire short film in just 5 days, ready to screen in front of an audience on Saturday morning!
This fantadtic week of full on activity was organised by Shaftesbury Arts Centre Youth Theatre in association with Limelight Theatre,
Course costs for displaced children were subsidised by The Shaftesbury Arts Centre and Shaftesbury Refugee Group.
Maslenitsa 2024
Local Ukrainian friends were joined by the people of North Dorset in a celebration of 'Maslenitsa'.
This traditional Ukrainian event was held in Shaftesbury Town Hall with an exhilarating display by the Cossack branch of SPAS and folk singing by Larysa Sotnykova and Oksana Khorunzha.
With craft making master classes in Pysanky - egg decoration, candle making, the making of Motanka dolls and, of course, delicious and varied pancakes.
A sale of goods raised over £500 to support Ukrainian humanitarian charities.
‘Flavours of Ukraine’ with Olya Patiuta
We had two wonderful culinary workshops for Ukrainian guests and the wider community of North Dorset and South Wilts in early March. These hands on and active sessions, led by Olya of Zhiva Authentica, brought new flavours and techniques to some and a taste of home to others. We were joined by over 60 people across the workshops, who were hosted by the wonderful Compton McRae. It was hands on, homely and heart-warming interactive fun.
Hear Olya speak to Keri Jones on Alfred here from 50 mins 10 seconds.
The hosting experience
Hosts in the Homes for Ukraine scheme have played the most important role in the United Kingdom’s offer of a sanctuary from Russian aggression. We wanted to celebrate their achievements and the success of the Homes for Ukraine scheme.
The aggression has not ended and new hosts are still needed for people in fear and facing harm in Ukraine. We wanted to learn the lessons from the past 21 months and use it to support new hosts.
Current and past hosts were welcome at this informal and reflective coffee and cake event and we learnt a great deal together.
Christmas coach trip to Wimborne and Kingston Lacy
On December 9th, 40 of us headed out to Wimborne for a little Christmas shopping and then had some festive fun at Kingston Lacy where this fabulously decorated heritage house told traditional Christmas tales from around the world.
Christmas printing course
An opportunity to design and create unique printed Christmas cards and gift tags in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Together in Dance
The visit of the Stars of Kyiv City Ballet to North Dorset
The visit of Kyiv City Ballet took place from 1st to 9th October 2023.
It was a week of community, identity, inclusion and the joy of dance.
A week of school visits, dance classes, receptions, discussions, films, talks and performance.
The visit of the stars of Kyiv City Ballet was a chance to celebrate Ukrainian culture and to share thanks for the support that has been given.
“Всі були просто неймовірно класні!!! Серце тремтіло, душа співала, ноги пританцьовували” Marina, Tisbury
Independence Day of Ukraine, Thursday 24th August
We came together and celebrated. We were with family, enjoyed some food and had a barbecue and some gentle games.
Ivan Kupala
Friday 7th July
What a happening!
A memorable Ivan Kupala, a special event for children.
Learn about Ivan Kupala from a museum in Kyiv here
Our Annual General Meeting
We held our AGM on Saturday 10th June 2023.
If you would like to read the Chair’s and Treasurer’s reports on our work since last year, please click below.
This is Alfred reported on our AGM here listen from 24mins 16sec.
Vyshyvanka Day
Thursday May 18th was Vyshyvanka Day in Shaftesbury and across the World
We invited everyone to take part in this international holiday that aims to preserve the Ukrainian folk traditions of creating and wearing ethnic embroidered clothes called vyshyvankas.
People showed their support for Ukraine and dropped in for drinks and nibbles and a great deal of Ukrainian culture and even a little English culture too..
Motcombe, Saturday 13th May.
An amazing night of Eurovision magic in Motcombe.
Over 90 Ukrainian and UK guests enjoyed the unique atmosphere of Eurovision together.
The pop up restaurant by ‘Gillingham Syrian Cuisine’ was a great success serving up heaped plates of delicious shawarma and falafel with salads and chips.
Raffles were won and people were united through song. Thanks to all who came.
Film night: щедрик, ‘Carol of the Bells’
On 29th April 2023 we joined together to watch the very moving , щедрик, ‘Carol of the Bells’.
Hosted at the Shaftesbury Arts Centre, 111 people saw this brilliant film.
A Ukrainian community thank you during Maslenitsa, pancake week, to the community of support they feel a part of.
Held at Shaftesbury Town Hall on Saturday 25th February.
See the report on this fabulous event here