Trustees and the Constitution

In 2017 our charity began as a ‘small charity’ registered with HMRC. In 2023 the level of activity of the charity had grown and we therefore registered formally with The Charities Commission as a Foundation CIO.

Shaftesbury Refugee Group is registered charity 1204787

It is the role of the Trustees to ensure our work is true to our constitution and that that the charity follows the path set out by our objects. The Trustees ensure that the charity is governed openly and inclusively. They see that any contributions to our charity are used wholly to support our work. The Trustees present an Annual Report, including our accounts, to the membership at the AGM before submitting them to HMRC and the CC.

Our Trustees have considerable experience in the voluntary sector and many have held senior public positions. They are considered ‘fit and proper persons’ by HMRC and the CC. Trustees can only hold office for three years before an election by the members. See People for more about the current Trustees.



We try to do a lot and we try to do it well. To do this the charity has some key policies that will guide and protect its members and those we work with. Becoming a volunteer or a trustee includes becoming aware of our policies and your obligations to the charity.

For the full policy structure and the detail of all our policies and procedures see the button below.