We are a small, local group providing support for refugees to become part of our communities.

We work in partnership with the statutory bodies and volunteer groups in our area.

  • We give assistance and support for the needs of refugees and displaced people in Shaftesbury, Gillingham, Motcombe, and the adjacent villages and towns.

    We provide refugees, displaced people, and their sponsors with practical advice, a point of contact with the local community and links to other services.

    We offer befriending services, encourage social inclusion and provide targeted financial support to assist beneficiaries to become self-sufficient in their day-to-day activities in UK

At first it was Syria….

A conversation between 4 outraged clergy wives at the treatment of Syrian refugees, led to a public meeting in Shaftesbury Town Hall kindly donated by Shaftesbury Town Council. We needed to know that the local community would accept and support Syrians: they would.

Anticipating some 30 people, there were over 100 present to hear the experience of a Syrian family already settled in Bournemouth, how it can happen from the Dorset Resettlement Officer and how to get started by looking at where you have come from, led by Salisbury Diocesan Social Justice Officer.

Messages were left, many saying “I’m good at hugs” or “I want to help, but not sure how”. Offers of funding, language skills and even the possibility of a house came from that meeting, as did the establishing of a small, quiet charity which today is working with Dorset Together to achieve good outcomes for Ukrainian Refugees.

A Friend in need

Starting life in a new country and with little to start with can be very hard. leaving behind home is one thing but to be displaced from family and friends is the hardest.

Being received into a welcoming community of people who have their interests at heart can make the transition to a new life a little easier for a displaced person.

Knowing there are Friends we can call on for help, whether it be the bits and pieces to fill out a kitchen, a scooter for the children or sofas for the living room, every act of kindness makes a difference.

Being a Friend helps you stay up to date with the need and demonstrates you are part of the welcoming community of Shaftesbury, and the surrounding area including Motcombe and Gillingham.

Everybody needs someone they can turn to.

One of the things that refugees will appreciate most is a friendly smile, a chance to chat and learn English, having someone they know who can help with a small problem, someone to share an experience with, a good neighbour.

Befriending is a voluntary act only undertaken by Members. It can be rewarding and hugely beneficial to people new to an area. We help to start the process up for Members who want to volunteer, providing them with some training and checking their eligibility to work more closely with vulnerable families.

Sometimes we call on our Members for particular advice, a skill or service that is more short term but needs an experienced and professional insight, given freely.

A hand up, not a hand out.

In calling ourselves the Shaftesbury Refugee Group we acknowledge that no-one is defined solely by their temporary political status. Refugees are primarily people with hopes, aspirations, careers, relationships and dreams-like everyone. The difference is that their lives have been severely disrupted, often in the most horrific circumstances.
We use the word Refugee in the knowledge that all refugees share ‘an uncommon courage’ to persevere and rebuild shattered lives. Our goal is to support and honour that courage with friendship and practical assistance, guided at all times by the brave people we walk alongside.

A signpost on an unknown road.

In a new country everything is new, the language, the shops, the expectations. It can be of enormous help to point people new to our community towards the best way to get help and sometimes to take the first steps on that journey with them. Our group provides links to agencies and other groups.

You might be new to supporting refugees and need help from someone who has met with the challenges and enjoyed the successes. Get in touch to benefit from our experience and our contacts.

For love.

None of the Members of Shaftesbury Refugee Group get paid, ‘we do it for love’. But money can make a difference and we know it’s really just ‘love in kind’! When we receive donations on behalf of the families escaping to our community it goes to meet their needs, and a tiny proportion to the costs of running our charity.

Our accounts are open to everyone and the best way to influence how the donations make a difference is to become a Trustee.

The dove and the snowdrop

We chose the dove and snowdrop in our logo to recognise Shaftesbury and the surrounding area's support for peace, renewal and a welcoming sanctuary for refugees who choose to make their home here. It was commissioned by Danya for the Shaftesbury Refugee Group.

The dove distracted the enemies of Mohammed and signalled that the flood was abating for Noah. In modern times it has come to symbolise peace and sanctuary.

The snowdrop , being one of the first flowers to emerge in spring, can inspire hope and renewal. It is also is a part of Shaftesbury, the ‘First Snowdrop Town’, where we plant and celebrate their dark green leaves and nodding white flowers. .


Getting in touch

We would love you to get in touch. Please do contact us here

You can also write to us at our address:

Shaftesbury Refugee Group

Gold Hill Cottage

2-4 St James Street
