Stay safe as a guest

Правила безпеки при спілкуванні онлайн та під час перебування у Великобританії

Як безпечно познайомитись із новим спонсором та його/її родиною онлайн. Також інформація про те, як залишатися в безпеці у Великобританії.

The UK takes your welfare very seriously. If you are worried about your safety and need more advice, contact your local council.

If a child or adult is at immediate risk of harm, call 999 or 112.

There is also more information on how to get urgent help.

Many Homes for Ukraine sponsors and guests meet for the first time online. This has made matching very quick and easy but matching on social media can have risks so you should be cautious when you meet someone online.

The helpful guidance can be found here. з перекладом


Support for your caring role as a host


A practical course in supporting refugees