A practical course in supporting refugees

“An introduction to refugee safety, wellbeing and support

From safeguarding to trauma and from cross-cultural communication to community integration this course provides essential basic training for all those living, working or volunteering with refugees.

“Sponsoring a refugee family was a life-changing experience for my entire family and my community. While empathy and kindness are the most important traits for welcomers, accessible and informative training courses can help you and the newcomer have the best possible experience.” - Ed Shapiro, The Shapiro Foundation, Boston, Massachusetts

This course is designed to be followed online in your own time. Each lesson will take you around 20 minutes and includes video segments and interactive elements to aid learning. A certificate will be issued to all who complete the course.

"This Sanctuary Course is free, accessible and practical, full of really good advice from a whole team of experts. It has really helped me grow in confidence and awareness of issues facing refugees."


Stay safe as a guest

