Adult ballet class

Anastasiia Lobanovska has a professional ballet dancer diploma and is currently training at the Royal Academy of Dance to be a dance teacher.

She will lead an adult ballet class on Thursday 22nd August from 7pm to 8.30pm at the TLW dance studio, Wincombe Industrial Estate, in Shaftesbury. The cost is £10 for the session.

Anastasiia Lobanovska

The one and a half hour class will be tailored to the participants’ skills, experience and needs and be suitable for adults with some experience of ballet.

The class is supported by TLW Dance and the Shaftesbury Refugee Group and therefore Anastasiia can offer the class at a cost of £10.

If you would like to participate in this unique experience, then please apply here.

If you would like to find out more about the class please email Anastasiia,


Summer dance classes


Maths tutoring and educational support