Achievements and Challenges

We were delighted to be asked to add a short talk to the Help and Kindness event celebrating the achievements of Dorset’s response to the war against Ukraine.

Roz and Stuart made the trip to Dorchester and met with other Ukrainian support hubs and the Dorset Council led response teams at the event.

It was a nice surprise to find that our group had been featured in a booklet of success stories brought together by Help and Kindness.

The day of presentations, discussions and networking was very helpful for developing ideas and ways of tackling challenges. We were able to add our thoughts on how to face the challenges of an uncertain future and contribute to the strategic planning of the Council.

Lunch interrupted the work and we were treated to fabulous Borscht and Garlic Bread made by Olya Patiuta. Definitely the highlight of the day.

Olya and her project Zhiva Authentica will be coming to Shaftesbury in March to give demonstrations and lessons in traditional Ukrainian culinary practices of fermentation and dough making. Look for more news about that visit on our events pages.

The Help and Kindness event is also described here.

Read the BBC South coverage of the event here.


Visa extensions announced


Grants to support our work.