A fabulous feast and quiz night

On June 8th we held another quiz. and Syrian Feast. More about the quiz later but you should see the fabulous food we ate, provided by The Hammouds’ Kitchen.

Plenty of happy faces at the feast.

To try the food for yourself, visit the Hammouds’ Kitchen website https://hammoudskitchen.co.uk/

The quiz was a great success. There were 7 teams and it was a close run thing right up to the last round. With physical tasks, plenty of right answers and just enough puzzled minds to make it entertaining and a challenge the time flew by with laughter and a lovely feeling of community .

The final winners were ‘The Jammie Dodgers’ with 88 from a possible 115 points. They crept ahead with a storming last round and extended their lead from 2 points to 6 points against their close rivals ‘Addey Lands’ and ‘Rjascals’.

Shorts Green Shockers struggled after a ‘null points’ on round 2 sport but showed they had physical skills with an amazing cupstack win. Well done too, to ‘Motcombe and Wise’, ‘Universally Challenged’ and ‘Quiz Anon’

We will have another quiz in the autumn and if you would like us to let you know when and where, please contact us.

Thanks to Jamie Randall for the photos and of course to the Hammoud family.


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