Shaftesbury Refugee Group Reserves policy

The Trustees of The Shaftesbury Refugee Group would like to set out the following policy  to maintain our ability to fulfill the Charity’s core purpose and to maintain the Charity as a going concern, in line with its Constitution.

The purpose of the Shaftesbury Refugee Group reserve

We are a small charity with an income of less than £5000 per annum and a typical balance less than £2000.  However our work has been vital for the families that we have supported since 2017.   In order to continue with our vital work into the future, and perhaps to expand it in line with any changes in our constitution we hold a small reserve of £500. It allows us to retain our capacity and to be resilient in the face of any issues such as declining donations.

How we set the reserve for Shaftesbury Refugee Group

The reserve is that sum which is necessary to meet our forecast obligations for two years ahead..  This would include:

  • any examiner or auditor fees necessary to verify our accounts and submit our report

  • any insurances

  • any mitigations or controls necessary to manage risks that we have assessed

  • any costs of continuing with a project that has begun to meet our purposes

  • any costs of maintaining a public profile such as advertising future events, maintaining a domain name and the hosting of a website

  • any necessary Trustees expenses

  • any printing costs

  • any other known expenditure or future liability

The reserve does include any of the balance of our account that has any restrictions on it.  The reserve does not include the value of any of our tangible assets.