How many?

We have been asked more than once about how many Ukrainian guests have arrived under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme.

Over 1,200 Ukrainian people applied to come to Dorset. 960 guests have now been supported by the Homes for Ukraine Scheme thanks to 439 sponsors.

Of these 960 arrivals we estimate that we have had contact with about 230 and there are approximately 150 people living ‘locally’ in North Dorset who we can support.

Currently there are 477 guests with 206 sponsors. 44 guests are waiting to arrive as the war escalates and impacts on people’s safety. The shortfall of sponsors coming forward to help under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme is the chief barrier for these people. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor contact us at

Of the 1,976 people who visited our website in June the most frequently visited pages after the Home page were the News pages, followed by Our events and then the Practical Advice pages to look for help and advice about Accommodation, Driving and Employment. *

220 guest have now moved out of HfU and found private rental. 127 have left for Ukraine and 35 have left for other countries, often to join family. There have been transfers in and out of Dorset as people’s circumstances have changed.

We continue to support Dorset Council with their priorities for the local Ukraine Response. Our aim is for Ukrainian guests:

  • to feel safe and welcomes

  • to have stable and suitable housing options

  • to be part of the community and enjoy good health and well being

  • to achieve meaningful employment, education aspirations and employment

*By the way, The ever popular The Hammouds’ Kitchen.was the next most visited page although they do now have their own website here


Summer Fashion - Літня мода: Wardrobe Foundation


Ivan Kupala