Flexible Support Fund

Financial support

All Ukrainian guests are entitled to the same financial support as UK citizens. Some guests may be entitled to benefits other than Universal Credit such as the Flexible Support Fund.

The Flexible Support Fund (FSF) is a fund to aid those in receipt of unemployment benefits to gain employment. It is administered by Job Centres and can be used by individual claimants for the cost of travel to interviews, childcare, tools and clothing and uniforms to start work. However, there is no exhaustive list of things that may be funded under the fund. We do know for example of a guest being awarded a grant for a laptop although there is a scheme for free laptops here.

The government has issued Help for Households payments to assist during the cost of living crisis. You can find out more here and see if you or your guests are eligible.


Hope and Aid Direct to Ukraine


St James’ church: a weekly vigil for peace