The organisations that made a week

with the Stars of Kyiv City Ballet possible

Our Grant Providers

  • The Grosvenor Arms

    It is safe to say that we would not have had the courage to put on this week-long programme without the generous support of The Grosvenor Arms and its owners Stay Original Co. Their gift of accommodation will enable the displaced people of Kyiv City Ballet to enjoy their stay in the heart and soul of our community.

  • Dorset Community Foundation

    We are grateful to the Dorset Community Foundation, Welcome Fund for a grant of £3,000 to support the visit of Kyiv City Ballet.

    In addition the grant has been supplemented with an award of £2,000 from the Toby’s of Shaftesbury Fund, which the Foundation administers, to recognise the focus of the week on young people in Shaftesbury.

  • Dorset Council

    We are grateful to be recipients of Dorset Council Community and Culture Project Round 5 funding. A grant of £4,700 was made to support the visit of Kyiv City Ballet.

    In addition the educational programme of 5 school visits and a day of 3 dance classes is supported by a grant of £2,250 from the Dorset Council, North Locality, Local Alliance Community and Inclusion fund.

Our Partners

  • TLW Dance

    Tiffany Longley-Wolff of TLW Dance leads a school of excellence in Shaftesbury. Her support for the week is invaluable with the expertise to organise a performance of dance and liaise with Kyiv City Ballet over the arrangements for tuition and support for their dancers.

    We are immensely grateful to TLW Dance Foundation for their support for young Ukrainian dancers during the week.

  • Shaftesbury Arts Centre

    Charlie Hamilton and the Trustees of of Shaftesbury Arts Centre have, not for the first time, made a Friday night film and talk happen as seamlessly as ever.

    The Arts Centre is a genuinely important cultural hub for North Dorset and a consistent and reliable supporter of the community of art and artists in our area.

  • Compton McRae

    We have relied on Compton McRae for their expertise in hosting special events to make the bread and Salt reception very special. Their support for displaced people remains consistent in its kindness and openness. Making their kitchens and space available and helping Ukrainian guests cater for their visitors from Kyiv City Ballet is just another example of Bill and Tom’s generosity.

Our roll call of friends and supporters…

Bill Dowling and his volunteers Rupert, James, Katie, the Sherborne Girls, Daughter Olivia and Tom Netherton; Paddy Magill; Johnny Bull; Tiffany Longley-Wolff; Amber Harrison; Fanny Charles; Charlie Hamilton and volunteers, especially John; Sharon and The Exchange Volunteers, especially Adam and Andrew; Mikey Foulerton; Hannah Sweet; Andrea of Dressmakers Studio; Kirsty Schmidt ; Fiona Morrison; Francois and Fay at Neals Yard; Jamie Randall; Christine Pedersen; Carsten Pedersen; Mark Pearce; Nicola Saunders; Alex ; Caz Richards; Lottie from Dorset Vehicle rentals; Sophie Maulever; Keri Jones; Sarah Junor; Ellie Maguire; Cllr Laura Beddowes; Holly Loxton; Cllr Val Pothecary; Cllr Barry von Clemens; Jill Ezzard; John Young Esq; Cllr Viriginia Edwyn-Jones; Brie Logan and Town Hall staff; Right Reverend Karen Gorham; Karen Wimhurst, Robin and Palida Choir; Marta Schevchenko; Liudmyla Oliinychenko; Anastasiia Lobanovska; Demian Starotsin; Avrora Predmiestina; Severian Predmiestin; Larysa Sotnykova; Oksana Khorunzha; Justina Kuzan; Mariia Bondarenko; Halyna Bondarenko; Daryna Bondarenko; Timur Dachyshuk; Valeriia Palzhok; Iryna Lobanovska; Kateryna Kryzhanovska; Ivanna Sinichenko; Dmytro Lobanovska; Olga Khuzhakhmetova; Oksana Palzhok; Oksana Homonets; Mykhailo Homonets; Anna Uskova; Marianna Savonyuk and Tom; Iryna Hrabovska; Stanislav Hrabovska; Galyna Kuzan; Yuriy Kuzan; Paul Jordan, Olya Diachyshn; Liudmila Karpenko; Daria Shchekachova; Viktor Grebenets; Tetyana Grebenets; Kateryna Lukianova; Natalia Bilous; Imad Aljam and Bayan Alalam; Nick and Di Wharam; Natasha and Katie of The National Trust; Nick Robinson; Kirill Karabits; Sabrina Guiness; Tom Stoppard; Harriet Clark; David Harries; Sarah Turnbull; Ben Smiley; Elisabeth Bachelor and Laura Karai; Becky McCall; Michael Salisbury; Michael Horsfall; KCB members Ivan Kozlov, Katya Kpzlova, Kristina, Olesia, Mykhailo, Yevhenii, Oksana, Ella and David;

…and many, many, more who came to events, shared the joy and were Together in Dance