Shaftesbury Refugee Group Health and Safety Policy
The law
The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the primary law which applies to organisations that have an employee. The Charity does not have an employee but it acts as though its activities fall under this legislation. The Charity uses the Act because it aims to minimise hazards so that Trustees, members, volunteers, those benefiting from the Charity and the public are protected from dangers arising from our activity.
Statement of intent
The Shaftesbury Refugee Group (SRG) is committed to ensuring, so far as is reasonably practical, the health, safety and welfare of all trustees, members, volunteers, and the beneficiaries who are using its services.SRG will provide what assistance it can to ensure that the requirements of this policy can be met. We ask that all Members accept their role and responsibilities and undertake them to the best of their ability. In this way we can all play a part in creating a safe, risk-free environment for everyone.
Responsibilities for Health and Safety
The Shaftesbury Refugee Group Trustees have the overall and final responsibility for health and safety. They will be responsible for: Ensuring that all Members have agreed to this policyWill ensure this policy is put into practice in its activities Ensure that health and safety is part of any induction briefing for new Members.Ensure that when a Member’s role changes, they receive a further briefing.Ensure that risk assessments have been carried out on our activities, if possible before they startEnsure risks are reconsidered when there are material changes to our activityProperly consider all Members and the public’s concerns, criticisms and comments regarding health and safety and where necessary ensure remedial action is undertakenEnsure that accidents, incidents and near misses are reported in an Accident Book. Ensure that reviews take place of all accidents, incidents and near misses and having reviewed the causes make necessary provisions to prevent a recurrence Ensure that any changes or amendments to this policy are notified to all MembersProvide a report on health and safety to the Trustees when deemed necessary by the Chair
Responsibilities of all Members:
To familiarise themselves with this policy and to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and of others who may be affected by their acts and omissionsReport to the Trustees any situations that they consider to be a risk to themselves, or anyone using the services of the Charity and all accidents, incidents, or near misses.
The Competent Person
The Shaftesbury Refugee Group has appointed a Trustee, Stuart Twiss to be the competent person to oversee its Health and Safety practices. This person reports to the Trustee Board, who have the overall and final responsibility. In the event that this person is not available the role reverts to the Chair.
Risk assessments
A risk assessment is a vigilant examination of what hazards could cause harm to people so that an assessment can be made of whether further precautions need to be taken. As a Charity we have a Risk Assessment Policy and undertake a suitable and sufficient assessment of risks arising from the Charity’s activities. In our risk assessments we take especial account of the vulnerable nature of any persons such as the young, breast feeding mothers, elderly and those traumatised by war and displacement. A template for risk assessments exists.
Incidents, accidents and near misses
Where an accident/incident or near miss has taken place during an activity undertaken by the Charity or on its behalf we will ensure it is recorded and reported to a relevant authority.If the matter is not reportable it will still be reviewed by a Trustee with the relevant experience and expertise or by someone with that appointed on behalf of the Trustees. We will record the accident or incident in the Accident Book and record the outcome of any review by the appropriate authority or Trustee and with those affected by the incident. We will take action to sanction any member whose negligence or lack of forethought has contributed to the accident or incident and build any learning into this and other relevant policies. If the accident or incident took place whilst using the facilities or services of another organisation then it may be the responsibility of that provider to report the matter, but, the Charity may still have responsibilities as the charity facilitating the visit or activity.
Accident Book
The Accident Book is maintained by the Secretary of the Charity.
Driving on SRG business
Members who drive on SRG business must have a current valid driving licence. have an insurance policy that covers them for business use.(need to check) Cars must have a valid Test Certificate (if over 3 years old) and be maintained in a roadworthy condition.
This policy will be reviewed every 3 years, unless there is a requirement to amend it sooner due to an incident or occurrence.